This is the Message Centre for drifting-aimfully

Hello Bill...

Post 1


...and welcome to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy : Sol III Edition smiley - smiley I am an Assistant Community Editor (ACE) here to meet and greet and lend out helping hands smiley - smiley If you have any questions, about anything, then click 'reply' below and ask away smiley - smiley Once I notice the question I will get right on it smiley - smiley If I cannot answer it myself I will call in the cavalry and they WILL be able to smiley - smiley If I take too long to get back to you then the other ACE's will be more than happy to help. They live at - smiley I will return, to see how you are settling in, but until later.....
BCNU - Crescent

Hello Bill...

Post 2


At first I thought you were a computer but now I'm not so sure. If you are human, thanks for the message. I'm enjoying myself.

Hello Bill...

Post 3


I am human (well more or less smiley - smiley If you click on my name above it will take you to my home page smiley - smiley
BCNU - Crescent

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