This is the Message Centre for I'm not really here


Post 1

I'm not really here

Well, it's a bit windy out there. We don't get floods in BoredTown as there are no rivers. One of the lakes has got a bigger puddle than usual on the bit that always laps over the edge boarding if that counts - but it also has a, er, not sure what you call it, overflow I guess, than goes into the next door lake which is far too muddy to walk round anyway. There are lots of ENORMOUS puddles and some new fords though.

We do have lots of small streams which are so small they usually dry up in summer, and they're all doing well though, busy and active. When I go geocaching I like to choose river walks because we don't have any, but I've had to forgo that pleasure for a while. It's not just the mud, and risk of blocked access, but I don't want any of the dogs washed away!

On the negative side, we have London clay in a lot of places, so when it's windy (no rain yet today), its really, really hard to walk in the parks.

Random change of subject - I'm seeing the accountant tomorrow to set up a new company, so I will be sole owner of two (nano) companies. :D


Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I'm beginning to wonder if the weather this winter is Almighty Bob's punishment to the British for having had a halfway decent summer last year smiley - tongueout


Post 3

I'm not really here

It very probably is! Although with 9 months of rain the year before I thought that was an apology...


Post 4

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Bob moves in mysterious ways smiley - zen


Post 5

Baron Grim



Post 6

I'm not really here

Didn't get to set up new company. Apparently I will get no financial benefit from it yet. Bah. Unless I completely close down as a sole trader and open up again as a ltd company.

On the other hand, I did get to look at a motorhome, that wasn't really what I wanted, but is better than the ZERO motorhomes that were anything like I wanted (and affordable) that I HAVEN'T looked at over the past 6 months. Going back today with my biggest brother to check it's all okay for pootling about the country in without breaking down. If so I will buy it and then get my poor put upon soon-to-be-70-years-old dad to help me make some adaptions to the interior to make it a bit better organised inside.

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