This is the Message Centre for I'm not really here

Can I say oh xxx now? Obviously not.

Post 1

I'm not really here

Migrated U94986, but it's having a wobbly at U290. So I'm here, but also I'm not here.

And I've had to accept 3 different cookies from 2 different domains to get in, which I am not happy about.

So there.

But I'm here.

*waits to see if anyone on my friends list has made it*

oh no. Apparently the mods are still as ar sy. Can't use acronyms, and we get this manky no entry sigh. *sigh*

Can I say oh xxx now? Obviously not.

Post 2


I'm having the same fun... Migrated this account easily enough - got half a dozen e-mails for other 'junk' accounts I've set up over the years using the same e-mail address and it won't let me access those... (Not that bothered about those to be honest)...

There is one other account I set up a few years ago I'd like access to again - but that seems to have vanished from the system somewhere between SSO and BBCID - so bob-only knows if they'll be able to get it back for me.

Can I say oh xxx now? Obviously not.

Post 3


Welcome back!

smiley - pggb

Can I say oh xxx now? Obviously not.

Post 4

I'm not really here

I haven't worried with the extra accounts, although one appears to be missing. I probably used a different email address for that, as I didn't want the Eds to know it was me either.

I wondered if the U290 was because of its low U number as they were originally special italic accounts - it was the only way to make an account italic at the time. That was changed between Jimster and Natalie joining which is why he also had a low U number and she didn't. But if you're stuck as well it can't be.

Can I say oh xxx now? Obviously not.

Post 5

Researcher 157542

Even got my pre-rupert account back (not that I use it much)...

Just had to ask the via the gurus mail link - and Solnushka is an angel ;o)

Can I say oh xxx now? Obviously not.

Post 6

Researcher 157542

Whoops - I appear to have lost my name in Brunel

Can I say oh xxx now? Obviously not.

Post 7

I'm not really here

I have no idea who you are, and there appears to be no way to find out. how rude!

I got a response from a Guru, but it was while I was out at work, so just waiting to see if it's picked up later.

Can I say oh xxx now? Obviously not.

Post 8

I'm not really here

hmm, sim post. So you're not being rude, you're being bugged??

Can I say oh xxx now? Obviously not.

Post 9

I'm not really here

Hey, my name has gone as well!? Did you change it via settings? I just did. smiley - sadface

Can I say oh xxx now? Obviously not.

Post 10


Ooops - this is interesting...

Posts 5 & 6 are me - via my pre-rupert account which solnushka got back for me...

There seems to be some kind of bug with name displays - yours has vanished as well!

Can I say oh xxx now? Obviously not.

Post 11


I logged into my old account and posted straight here, noticed there was no name and went into settings to try and change it - with no luck...

Can I say oh xxx now? Obviously not.

Post 12


Haven't attempted to change any settings on this account yet (and given what it seems to be doing at the moment - I don't think I will!)

Can I say oh xxx now? Obviously not.

Post 13

I'm not really here

Something is broked!

Can I say oh xxx now? Obviously not.

Post 14


Ha, you've all lost your names and I now appear to be twice named! I'm coming up as Orcus-Orcus. Sounds like some sort of taxonomy (Homo Sapiens) or disease (Lupus Lupus). Not sure which I am... smiley - erm

Can I say oh xxx now? Obviously not.

Post 15

I'm not really here

I just see you as Orcus... I reported it on the New Feedback page, I was originally reporting My Preferences Vs Settings what was going to happen as it's confusing to have 2, then went back and said I'd lost my name since changing it.

Can I say oh xxx now? Obviously not.

Post 16

I'm not really here

Signed, Mina

Can I say oh xxx now? Obviously not.

Post 17


Taxonomy? Isn't that something to do with stuffing dead animals?

Are you trying to tell us you've been stuffed?

smiley - run

Can I say oh xxx now? Obviously not.

Post 18

I'm not really here

Or vermin - Rattus Rattus. smiley - biggrin

Can I say oh xxx now? Obviously not.

Post 19

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

If you are using brunel then you only see the suffixes. This was only a problem before if the person was using barlesque and had added a suffix - otherwise you saw the screen name. Now, any change to your setting automatically saves your blank suffix so to anyone in brunel you have no name. In other skins they see both names so Orcus has both, I have both now I've added a suffix with text in it to stop it being so confusing...

Can I say oh xxx now? Obviously not.

Post 20

I'm not really here

Thanks Kelli. I think I'll stick with confusing. That's clearly something they need to get sorted, and I'm surprised they didn't fix it before launch!

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