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Tennish years!
I'm not really here Started conversation Sep 16, 2011
The next door neighbour is having her council planned maintenance done. That's the second time since I've owned my house, which means I've owned it nearly 10 years! Only 15 years to go before I actually own it.
Tennish years!
Orcus Posted Sep 16, 2011
Ah this was explained to me once.
You _already_ own it. It's yours lock stock and barrel.
What you also have (presumably) is a rather huge loan secured against it...
Which seems to me to mean that it's actually rather cheeky of the loan givers to hold on to the deeds until the loan is paid off.
Also as I heard on Mock the Week last night. Keep up your repayments to your exorcist. Otherwise your home may be repossessed
Tennish years!
I'm not really here Posted Sep 16, 2011
Oh yeah I know I do already own it, but it doesn't feel like it until I don't have to pay for it anymore!
Tennish years!
Orcus Posted Sep 16, 2011
It made all the difference to me knowing that - all a sense of perception I suppose.
Tennish years!
I'm not really here Posted Sep 16, 2011
I think when I can sell it, and ALL the money is mine to do what I like with, that's when I will really feel it's mine. At the moment the bank could repossess. Obv not if I pay my no problems, but that's a horrible feeling to be in.
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Tennish years!
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