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Blaming parents
I'm not really here Started conversation Aug 9, 2011
On BBC now for kids having no discipline at home.
Fair enough, yet on h2g2 recently I was accused of cruelty, by two people, although one could just have been backing up the other, to my son for giving discipline (not physical). So do we, or don't we??
Blaming parents
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Aug 9, 2011
Damn straight we do.
Discipline, as in corporal punishment is brutal and unnecessary (can you imagine this TV commercial being made today? ), and no discipline results in no accountability.
There is a middle way, but currently the balance is too far in the direction of being easy on kids.
Blaming parents
I'm not really here Posted Aug 9, 2011
Well I thought so. I can understand the temptation to send their kids 'out to play' as they are a pain in the backside hanging around the house all day - I have a few friends with kids J's age, and even those of us who only have one all have the same complaint. 'He's always here!'.
But of course usually there's no money to give them to do Stuff so they end up getting into trouble. But I'm sure if they had learnt consequences of their actions at home, rather than a random slap after mum has finally snapped, they would be thinking twice about looting and smashing things up.
Blaming parents
Sho - employed again! Posted Aug 9, 2011
it's about the community, though, not just the parents. it really does take a village and all that.
As for that thread, Mina, I'm sorry you got stick there. I don't think people can comment on things like that when they haven't been there and don't really know the circumstances etc etc.
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Blaming parents
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