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There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Jul 27, 2011
That was quite spectacular, Mina No doubt whatsoever that it would be modded, of course. The mods these days are so stuck up their own... what you said.
I'm not really here Posted Jul 27, 2011
I had one taken off for saying I didn't give a the other day and now I can't saw either. Sorry, exactly when were 6 year olds allowed back onto h2g2?
Basicaly I was saying I can't be bottomed with it because Ask h2g2 has gone bonkers but PR is still stagnating.
Excuse me for caring about h2g2 and fretting and (obviously wrongly but I can't help it) thinking it couldn't possibly run without me. Well, when people get things SO WRONG when trying to explain how things work because they 'forgot' or just plain old didn't know about something I can't remember learning about it was so long ago I maybe could be forgiven for that.
toybox Posted Jul 27, 2011
You are forgiven.
But not for using expletives which could shock a 6 years old, who aren't allowed because hootoo is forbidden to under 16's, but you never know because anyone can lie about their age (although, who would do that if it is explicitly written they shouldn't?).
I'm not really here Posted Jul 28, 2011
Oh. It may have because I said flick. Which is as we all know an extremely rude word.
So here's the post again.
Just can't be a
For all the new comings and goings, how busy Ask h2g2 is, there's still f all happening in PR, which surely should be the hub of the site.
So a to it. a
. a
toybox Posted Jul 28, 2011
According to Chambers:
verb (flicked, flicking)
1. to move or touch something with a quick light movement • He flicked his hair back wih a jerk of his head.
2. to move the hand or finger quickly and jerkily against something small, eg a speck of dust, crumbs, etc, in order to remove it • She flicked the crumbs off the table.
noun a flicking action.
Even ruder than e*rmuffs!
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Jul 28, 2011
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: I'm not really here (Jul 27, 2011)
- 2: kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013 (Jul 27, 2011)
- 3: There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho (Jul 27, 2011)
- 4: toybox (Jul 27, 2011)
- 5: kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013 (Jul 27, 2011)
- 6: I'm not really here (Jul 27, 2011)
- 7: toybox (Jul 27, 2011)
- 8: I'm not really here (Jul 28, 2011)
- 9: I'm not really here (Jul 28, 2011)
- 10: toybox (Jul 28, 2011)
- 11: There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho (Jul 28, 2011)
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