This is the Message Centre for I'm not really here
I'm not really here Started conversation Jul 22, 2011
Teenacher's dad had stopped paying me maintainence without telling me because Teenacher has left school.
Brief chat during which he said 'oh I did look it up you are right I have to pay it as long as he is in full time education'. So I say that's good because if he doesn't pay it Teenacher can move in with him so I can sell the house due to not being able to afford the mortgage AND feed a growing bottomless pit clothes don't fit for 5 minutes teenacher who isn't working on my own. 5 hours later money is in hand.
coelacanth Posted Jul 29, 2011
How long before he works out that if J did move in with him, you'd be the one having to pay him maintenance? Watch out!
I'm not really here Posted Jul 29, 2011
I already told him I'd pay him. I said I'd send off my income, then if I was told to pay anything I'd refuse and offer less. Just like he always does.
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