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Goodbye Bill

Post 21

I'm not really here

Thanks GB. Because I only knew him for a short period of time and it was a few years ago I'm not as affected as I could be, but of course being there this afternoon is going to be difficult.

My dad also attended a funeral of his cousin many years ago who not only took his own life, but his two children too. smiley - sadface It's bringing a lot of sad memories for him too.

I'll always remember Bill's smile, and how he made me feel (the good bits, not the bad bits). I'm very sad he was in so much pain it had to end like this. He was very much loved by a lot of people, not least the women he came into contact with. Obviously it wasn't enough.

Goodbye Bill

Post 22

I'm not really here

I couldn't go in when it was time. Mainly because just before the family arrived one of his workmates was telling my dad how he'd seen him a lot worse in the past and how they'd been playing football with windfall apples in the yard which set me off.

Then I saw the wife, with her son who looked J's age and the whole 'why wasn't it me' started in my head.

I think I'm grieving for the lost love still. I did speak to his mum after, I'd met her a year or so after my grandmothers both died and she'd filled a big gap in my life.

I don't know what else to day. They played Cat Stevens as they came out.

Bye Bill. smiley - sadface I think you'll always be with me. smiley - lovesmiley - rose

Goodbye Bill

Post 23

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I don't know what to say other than hold onto those good memories. I am sorry for your pain. If you want to chat about other stuff anytime accept me on Fb smiley - smiley

Goodbye Bill

Post 24


No one can dictate how long mourning should take, Mina, it is a natural process of celebrating a life past, coupled with a salutary warning of our own mortality.

Beneath the clock dial of Churchtown Church clock:

Seize the moments as they fly,
learn to live and know to die.

I cannot sympathise, because I do not feel - a personality defect and product of training/experience - though I can empathise.
It is good to be completely igenous with your thoughts here, as always, your heart on your sleeve Minasmiley - cheerup It is a coping mechanism I envy, so very humanitarian.

Goodbye Bill

Post 25

I'm not really here

I don't know any other way to be. h2g2's been my sounding board for more years than I care to remember.

Goodbye Bill

Post 26


Long may it continue smiley - cool

Goodbye Bill

Post 27

I'm not really here

Oh Bill. smiley - blue

Goodbye Bill

Post 28

Metal Chicken

smiley - rose Anniversaries can be tough reminders.
Take care now.

Goodbye Bill

Post 29


smiley - cheerup Mina,lifejust seemstothrow a lot of junkat us all together at times, we manage and move on.........eventually. Anniverseries are always tough when they are sadones,try to remeber the goodtimes you had together and celebrate a life lived smiley - ok

Goodbye Bill

Post 30

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Anniversaries are very hard. It's OK to feel sadness for your loss, even if he wasn't *yours* - we still feel for your sorrow Minasmiley - rose

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