This is the Message Centre for I'm not really here


Post 1

I'm not really here

My last comment on a thread was ignored, not even acknowledged one way or the other, so I've tried again on a different thread with a different writer.

I keep meaning to stay away, as a lot gets in that I think shouldn't and it upsets me and makes me get all shouty smiley - steam, but I can't help commenting on things I'm passionate about.


Post 2

Mol - on the new tablet

I think I've only been to PR once in the past year. I stopped partly because of time, but mostly because there was stuff in there that really wasn't ready, and nobody seemed to mind that it wasn't ready smiley - erm

Also there were lots of entries that really didn't interest me at all. And I'll read a pretty diverse range of stuff and don't simply look for the familiar - one of the tests of a good entry, IMO, is whether or not it can make the unfamiliar accessible.



Post 3

I'm not really here

When I was a Scout I would read things that didn't interest me, but now, sod it. There are one or two people holding the Guide together all by themselves, they don't need me. smiley - devil

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