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Led Zep and Tolkein

Post 1


 Has Anyone else noticed how many references that are made in some Led Zeppelin songs to the Lord of the Rings? So far, I've noticed mentions in 'Ramble On', 'The Battle of Evermore', 'Misty Mountain Hop', and even in 'Stairway to Heaven'.... Any more I've missed???

Led Zep and Tolkein

Post 2

Researcher 38090

I always got the impression Plant had read them ages ago then got the story mixed up a bit. "Then Gollum & the evil one crept up and ran away with her"? That seems to miss the point, but Zeppelins music was always a bit of plagiarism, a bit of misinterpretation and a whole lot of enthusiasm.

There's elements of Michael Moorcock on the battle of evermore, with his calls to bring the balance back.

Led Zep and Tolkein

Post 3


Your right. Led Zep just included the references, without actually bothering to see if they actually fit in with the books. Anyway, they're still great songs.smiley - fish

Led Zep and Tolkein

Post 4

Spirit of Olias (occasional spectre)

The coolest line from battle of evermore has to be 'The drums will shake the castle wall, the ringwraiths ride in black'.
I dont think they ever wanted to do anything other than slip in references. A song by Yes entitled 'Siberian Khatru' contains all sorts of references to rings and towers and stuff and is obviously slightly inspired by Tolkein.

Led Zep and Tolkein

Post 5


Yeah, that is the coolest line of them all, although I always thought it said: The RingWraiths are out in Black, but then, i've never been very good at working out what singers are singing, I'm more of a music man.

Led Zep and Tolkein

Post 6

The 1 and only Elkherd

You seem to have commented on everything I read, MadMunk. It is the ringwraiths are out in black. Shoot me if you will, but I think battle for evermore is better on No Quarter (horror.)

Led Zep and Tolkein

Post 7


Hiya Elk, you seem to be popping up everywhere, i'll add you to my links list as soon as i'm able and ready (too tired right now....)
Anyway, I'm not sure if i read that right, but either way... I like BOTH battle of Evermore, and No Quarter (in fact, they are 2 of my favourites....) smiley - bigeyes

Led Zep and Tolkein

Post 8

The 1 and only Elkherd

Indeed, the song No Quarter is excellent. I meant the album Page and Plant Unledded: No Quarter. I'll be clearer next time.

Led Zep and Tolkein

Post 9


Umm, yes, i thought you actually meant something along those lines, but my mind was tired at my last reply, sorry...
Anyway... i've just had the sudden urge to play no quarter...
There's a list of songs that i have in my head that i play when i'm feeling down, and no quarter is one of them (no that i'm feeling down now, of course....)

Led Zep

Post 10

The 1 and only Elkherd

Sorry to leave the actually Led Zep/ Tolkein discussion, but I bought Physical Grafitti yesterday and it rocks! Especially Custard Pie, The Rover, In my time of dying, houses of the holy... sick again. Silly me. That's all of them. I've heard it five times back to back today.

Led Zep

Post 11

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

Lucky man. Some of us have to sit at home sulking because our dear parents happen to have 'accidentally' whisked our BBC Sessions CD off on holiday with them.
Grumble, grumple, grumble.

Led Zep

Post 12


Well, now, that IS a tragedy... smiley - winkeye
I keep my remaster album close at hand, especially when my father is about.... smiley - winkeye

Led Zep

Post 13

The 1 and only Elkherd

I saw the BBC sessions today for 7 quid. Not bad, eh? Havn't bought it yet though.

If my wings should fail me now...

Led Zep

Post 14


Well I've recently picked up the Complete Studio Recordings boxed set, and you know it's like dying and going to heaven (except that the angels aren't playing woosy harps - they've all got double necked guitars).

But back to the Lord of the Rings thing - possibly the makers of the new film should include Led Zep on the soundtrack ? That'll certainly get the nerd fraternity arguing, if nothing else !

Led Zep

Post 15

The 1 and only Elkherd

I've got the complete studio recordings. I just bought (and stole) them all separately.

What songs would you have where in the LotR film?

I vote for the Battle for Evermore on the siege of Helm's Deep. That's my fav bit of LotR. Don't know why.

Wait - isn't there going to be three films? That would mean the new film would only go up to the end of the first book. Bummer.

Led Zep

Post 16

The 1 and only Elkherd

My Dad bought BBC sessions! What luck. It's a bit bluesy though.

Led Zep

Post 17


I could see Ramble On ending the first or maybe second movie. The song foreshadows things to come without really giving away anything in particular, and it is a great song. I have always thought the Tolkien references in Led Zep were interesting but assumed them to be attributed to the fact that they liked Tolkien. No real deeper meaning behind them.

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