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MadMunk?¿ Started conversation Nov 28, 1999
Okay.... i just played a support gig for a band called Wingnut....
And the ****** ******* (insert appropriate swear words) Stereophonics were there!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow.
I was a tad nervous....
TowelMaster Posted Nov 29, 1999
Well nervous o.k. but remember :
Think small and you end up small
Think big and Hey, they might just believe you...
By the way : I saw the Pet Shop Boys this week, hehehehe...I even bought the t-shirt..!
So I'm off your list of respectable people now.....??
saber Posted Nov 29, 1999
They were there having a drink. Not watching you! Anyway, Mirion showed them a couple of fills for one of their new songs, so he really rubs shoulders with them. (By the way, it's all over Cwmdare!)
MadMunk?¿ Posted Nov 29, 1999
So what.... they saw me, didn't they? yes... so there. :-Þ
How's it all over Cwmdare?
TM, nah, your staying on there.... TPSB are a class act, i think so anyway....
Researcher 99947 Posted Nov 30, 1999
I rather like TPSB too... especially Hallo Spaceboy, with DB
TowelMaster Posted Nov 30, 1999
Whisper cross the town cause you're my friend
and I'm the only one in town that you would care to hang aroud with
You're so beautiful and calm with an attitude that says
'hands off you're just not good enough...'
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