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Thoughts on Happiness

Post 1


This may sound a little used to all the thoroughly "guided" people out there, but I believe that the primary purpose of life is to be happy , and extremely so, for as much time as possible. Everybody who has ever become sucessful knows this, whether they are aware of it or not. The root of all industries is keeping people happy, in one way or another. People like Bill Gates , Trey Parker, and Robin Williams have found a way to keep people out of depression that they are particularly able to do, and they get their happiness from giving other people a good time. Everybodies most primal urge is to be happy, and this urge exerts itself every time we buy a beer or read a book. We all just want to be smiley - smiley

Thoughts on Happiness

Post 2

Agony Aunt (Patron Saint of Busy Bodies )

oh my! i must say that for your age you are quite mature. most teenagers do not have the knowledge that it appears you possess. i do not know what made you different than most of them or if it is just me but i think that you are what i have heard as 'wise beyond your years' are correct about happiness, it is a basic human instinct. people want to be happy, what makes them happy is different depending on who they are.

Thoughts on Happiness

Post 3


Thank you for what you have said, and people say that I am a mature person, for my age. The thing I think makes me more mature is that I simply listen to what goes on around me and process it. That, being surrounded by people who are also wise in their own ways, and some heavy exposure to monty python, has made me what I am today.smiley - winkeye

Thoughts on Happiness

Post 4

Agony Aunt (Patron Saint of Busy Bodies )

so many of the young people today just do not listen, they think they have all the answers and are not willing to admit that maybe someone else may be able to help them or teach them something. of course the same can be said for some of the adults i have met as well, i am always grateful for any advice i can get as i feel i am never too old to learn. you being a monty python fan is something that helps i think smiley - winkeye, monty python is great though some of my friends just don't understand what i see in the films, i just look at it as their loss smiley - winkeye

Thoughts on Happiness

Post 5


Sorry I have not gotten back to you, but I have been at Space Camp (read more about it on my page). I have been unfortunate in that (I love the phrase "in that") I have not seen most of the Monty Python movies, but I do watch the show and listen to the albums, and that makes up for it. smiley - winkeye
It's always a good idea to listen to what goes on around you, and to let people help you. Howwever, as you said, there are some who are straightlined into not accepting that other people are superior in some ways to them. Luckily, there are some people who do accept help, and that keeps the world on track.

Thoughts on Happiness

Post 6

Agony Aunt (Patron Saint of Busy Bodies )

do not worry about the delay in your response, sometimes there are things that are more important that the internet and space camp is def. one of those times smiley - smiley
i must agree with you that it is lucky some people are willing to listen and accept help, it is also good that there are people out there willing to talk and offer help...what a terrible place this world would be if everyone worried only of themselves smiley - sadface

Thoughts on Happiness

Post 7


Thank you for understanding.
Unfortunately, there are already too many people out in the world who have shut themselves out from anything new. That's one of the reasons why I look up to Comedians. They make a career out of looking at things in new ways, and they always keep an open mind, plus they are not afraid to speak their minds, which is a necessity for anyone who hopes to contribute to society. (there is no symbol for a face with an open mouth, so I'll just do this :-0 )

Thoughts on Happiness

Post 8

Agony Aunt (Patron Saint of Busy Bodies )

comedians are great smiley - smiley...i enjoy the way that they can turn tragidy into something good...what i mean to say is that instead of closing themselves off and living in self pity and such they open up and make it something good, something to learn from and they continue with their lives smiley - smiley i think this is something more of us should try to do...instead of letting life get us down so much we should instead look at what happens as a learning experience and grow from it smiley - smiley use it to our advantage smiley - smiley

Thoughts on Happiness

Post 9


Right On, AA. Comedians bring up our spirits, instead of drowning in sprits (liquor). Incedentally, AA can stand for "Alchoholics Anonymous". A small coincidence.smiley - smiley

Thoughts on Happiness

Post 10

Agony Aunt (Patron Saint of Busy Bodies )

yes, i have been told this smiley - smiley strange i never thought of it when i started just using the initials but now i find myself giggling now and then when typing them smiley - winkeye......

Thoughts on Happiness

Post 11


Antagonizing, isn't it? (aunt-agonize)smiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeye

Thoughts on Happiness

Post 12

Agony Aunt (Patron Saint of Busy Bodies )

you are quite a hoot now aren't you? smiley - smiley i must say i do like your tongue-in-cheek personality smiley - smiley
by the way, i do not think i ever asked you about your name...why do you call yourself thinker?? smiley - smiley

Thoughts on Happiness

Post 13


'Cause I like to Think a lot.smiley - winkeye It's just that simple. By the by, would you mind doing me a little favor? Next time you decide to grace me with your words, click the little "New Conversation" button, so I dont have to scroll so much? That'd be great.

Thoughts on Happiness

Post 14


Deep man, really deep... But shouldn't life be about creating happiness in others first, then thinking about yourself?

On the subject of Monty Python Movies "Monty Python and the search for the Holy Grail" is easily the best.

Thoughts on Happiness

Post 15


Sure, it would be nice to instill hapiness, but, let's face it, more people work for themselves first. The reason for that self-servitude is that most people get more happiness from helping themselves. There are a few people, though, who get real happiness from helping others. You're lucky if you know one, because they will help you out if you're in trouble.

On the other subject, i haven't seen Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail, but I have been trying to get my hands on a copy, and I have downloaded a few segments from it.smiley - bigeyes

Thoughts on Happiness

Post 16

Agony Aunt (Patron Saint of Busy Bodies )

actually, the way i view it is that to be able to make someone else happy you first must be happy yourself.....once you are happy you are then free to bring happiness to others smiley - smiley....yes, there are those out there who only think of themselves and once they are happy only continue doing things to make themselves happy never thinking of others happiness but for the most part i feel that the majority of people tend to find joy in making others happy as well as themselves smiley - smiley. maybe i have just not been in the correct areas to see it the other way around, if so then i consider myself one of the lucky ones smiley - smiley

Thoughts on Happiness

Post 17


You should consider yourself lucky just to be happy, even luckier to Be surrounded by happy people.smiley - fish

Thoughts on Happiness

Post 18

Agony Aunt (Patron Saint of Busy Bodies )

i will count this as one of my blessings smiley - smiley...i only hope that i am succeeding in bringing happiness to others as well smiley - smiley

Thoughts on Happiness

Post 19


Trust Me: You are.smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

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