This is the Message Centre for Prak

Hello Prak!

Post 1

Alon (aka Mr.Cynic)

Hi and welcome to h2g2, I hope you enjoy your time here! I see you've already written an introduction and chosen a nicname. You're doing great! but if there's anything else you need, don't hesitate to ask me, or any of the other ACEs at . I have to agree with you, there are terrifyingly normal things out there but h2g2 doesn't seem to account as one of them smiley - winkeye. Hope some wonderfully bizarre things happen to you down here. After all, it is the bizarre that makes life so memorable.

Remember, feel free to ask any questions,


Hello Prak!

Post 2


Just a short note from the two Assistant Eds, Ashley and Sam - to give a great big welcome to the site.

Hello Prak!

Post 3

Alon (aka Mr.Cynic)

We really have flooded you! Four welcome message! smiley - smiley

Hello Prak!

Post 4


and thanks to you all, I'm starting to find my feet a little now...

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