A Conversation for Matchbox 20

New Album

Post 1


Matchbox twenty have released their second album - Mad Season on 22nd May 2000 (I think it's out on the 23rd in the US due to different release days).

The songs on Yourself or Someone like you are:
Real World
Long Day
Girl Like That
Back 2 Good

It's true that they are not very well known here but they are HUGE in the US.
They've just changed their name to Matchbox Twenty (the word, not the number, who knows why?)
They may well get more coverage over here as Rob Thomas did that song with Santana and his album is doing really well. If their ne single gets any airplay at all it should do quite well. Probably get eclipsed by some random dance track with a bloke hitting a keyboard repeatedly - now there's talent for you,.

If you want any more info post here or check out the website at www.matchboxtwenty.com

New Album

Post 2


yeah thanx, i'm just a bit slow in updating my entries i suppose, got both albums tho, plus santana song on mp3

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