A Conversation for Blakes 7

So who were the 7?

Post 1


Can anybody come up with a definitive list of the ORIGINAL 7, to settle an argument?

I was sure it was:

Blake, Avon, Vila, Gan, Jenna, Orac, Zen

But my colleague insists Callie was an original member, not Orac.

I still maintain Callie arived after Orac.

Anybody out there know better?

So who were the 7?

Post 2


I always thought it was : Blake , Avon , Vila , Cally , Jenna , Gan and Orac as the 7. Zen was just the ships computer whereas Orac is more part of the crew

So who were the 7?

Post 3

Metal Chicken

I'd say it definitely includes Zen. He may have been "only" the ship's computer but was there from episode 1. And Cally was an alien, weren't the 7 all humans and computers?

So who were the 7?

Post 4


I'm not sure , may be worth checking out one of the Blake's 7 web sites , sure I read something about it on there some time ago

So who were the 7?

Post 5


Callie was definitely one of the origional seven instead of orac. Orac came in one of the later series. 2 or 3, I can't remember which...

So who were the 7?

Post 6


Okay, here it is:

Blake, Avon, Jenna, Vila, Gan, Cally, Zen.

Orac did not feature until episode 13.

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