Blakes 7

5 Conversations

Does anyone remember this? It was a 70s sci-fi series about a group of freedom fighters (a bit like Star Wars). The crew of the Liberator (Blake, Avon, Jenna, Cally, Gan, Vila, and Zen at first) were trying to fight the Federation's control over the Galaxy. All except Cally and Zen were convicts who stole the ship on the way to a penal colony. Zen was the computer on board. As time went on they found Orac (another computer) and Gan and Jenna left or died. Tarrant and Dayna came on board and Cally died. Blake had disappeared by now so Avon was leader. The Liberator was blown up, so they got the Scorpio and Soolin.
Servalan was one of the Federation. She must be about the most glamourous baddie to date. Travis was her henchman. He had a robotic eye and arm, not sure what happened to the originals. Both of them were always trying to catch Blake and co.
Unfortunately, things didn't turn out well. Blake reappeared and there was a big shootout. Al of them died. Oh dear. Stil, it's a good program, even if the special effects are a bit ropey.

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