A Conversation for Liverpool, Merseyside, UK

A cathedral designed by aliens?

Post 1

The Amazing Bongo! from whom all mortals flee

The Catholic cathedral (aka the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King) may indeed be unusual, but is much overlooked as one of Liverpool's finest buildings. Many people are put off by its "ugly" (although I thinks it's quite attractive in a modern, concrete-ish sort of way) exterior, but few would disagree that inside, it is quite simply stunning. On a sunny day, the central altar is bathed in beautiful light from the huge stained-glass window (the view from directly below the window is awe-inspiring), and at night, light shines out through the window and is quite simply beautiful.

I'd recommend that any visitor to Liverpool goes to look inside the cathedral - you won't be disappointed.

A cathedral designed by aliens?

Post 2


It is! How can you possibly walk past that thing and not see that it is a flying saucer? St John's Beacon is, of course, an anti-alien gun that let it slip by.

A cathedral designed by aliens?

Post 3

The Amazing Bongo! from whom all mortals flee

I'll admit that it's very modern. But it's still beautiful.

You might be right about St. John's Beacon, though.

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