A Conversation for Dogs

Sniffer Dogs

Post 1


When small (me that is) our family had a wolf-hound, a very large, very soppy wolfhound.
The neighbours found in the bottom of their half dug swimming pool a semi concious labourer who had hopped ouver their fence to answer the call of nature.
The wolf hound was very quite and enabled this man to leap the 5 foot fence in a single bound simply by sniffing his backside.

Sniffer Dogs

Post 2

Roy, Not Marvin

That's the first time I hear of a dog so agile that it can sniff it's own backside. Must have looked scary. smiley - smiley

Sniffer Dogs

Post 3

Researcher 39963

surely loads of dogs can sniff their own backsides?

Sniffer Dogs

Post 4

Tomthumb (43028)

Not while jumping a 5ft fence I shouldn't think

Sniffer Dogs

Post 5

Nigglemoth (43655)

Well I've not seen it in any Crufts agility test.

Sniffer Dogs

Post 6

Researcher 48309

People talking about using dogs in warfare, licking their fanny's
(or dicks, could be a male)and jumping fences at Crufts - all
this seems to miss the point about having a wonderful companion
(that is much friendlier than a cat or goldfish)of an "almost"
alien species. All one has to bear in mind is not to acquire a
long haired specimen, otherwise you will be spending a large
proportion of your salary on replacement bags for your vacuum
cleaner. Not to mention the ........cont pg 5463

Sniffer Dogs

Post 7

Coco Pops

Actually it's a myth that long-haired dogs moult more - often it's short-haired ones like Labradors that moult the most. I represent the interests of two Tibetan Terriers, very hairy dogs indeed, and it's quite hard to tell which end is which at times.

As well as sniffing their own bottoms, they obviously like to sniff other dogs' bottoms. All I can say is, it's a good job we don't going around doing that all the time.

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