This is the Message Centre for Gnilwob

No you're not

Post 1

El fishslayer

Ha we know of ye. That project has been done for over 6 months now!!
Maybe you're just starting a new one now, but that is absolutely not any excuse for abandoning the ultimate information source on earth life.......
May the bowling pins jump up and down in anger while santa spill coffee in his beard

No you're not

Post 2


Well....yeah, but...please don't anger the great Gnilwob! Please! No! Gutters! Augh!!!!!!!!

Okay, okay, I'll update this mess in a couple of days when I actually know what my current project might be.

No you're not

Post 3


Shows how up to date I am. I just noticed an entry I wrote 7 months ago got approved two months ago.

No you're not

Post 4

El fishslayer

congrats, is that the one on bone modelling??

No you're not

Post 5


Yep. They changed it a wee bit. No Haikus smiley - sadface

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