This is the Message Centre for Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Talk to The Ostrich

Post 1


Hi Clive! smiley - biggrin
It's RYU again just thought i would say hi as i am doing my homework and i got board . The robocop movie was really good . I found wargamer in the end and have started my battle .
RYU smiley - nahnah

Talk to The Ostrich

Post 2

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Still coding. smiley - geek


Talk to The Ostrich

Post 3


What stuff do you have to code for . The only coding i have done is on guideML
RYU smiley - nahnah

Talk to The Ostrich

Post 4

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

That is GuideML. smiley - smiley

Talk to The Ostrich

Post 5


Oh , fair enough smiley - silly
Well I am going to be going away for a week to ST. Hellens to see my grandma and watch the final of the super leage . ST. Hellens against Bradford so i will not be able to talk again till monday , but i will be on for another 20 mins
RYU smiley - nahnah

Talk to The Ostrich

Post 6

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Next Doobry - I am going to manchester for theday to go and see the WWE wrestling live for a pay-per-view.

Can't wait. smiley - wow

Talk to The Ostrich

Post 7


I used to love wrestling , I went to see one of the events in london it was great but i lost interest in it . Well i have got to go i will see you next sodit
RYU smiley - nahnah

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