This is the Message Centre for Buff

Thanks Buff

Post 1


Thanks alot for stopping by my page today (well, yesterday, it's 12:50 am for me now). Sorry for the low entertainment value. But just as predicted I was shocked. I just couldn't call it a day without returning the favor. I've never been in any kind of online chat (except for some technical assistance, which I always seem to need, I'ld always rather ask someone than read a manual), and you're the first person I've talked to via the glowing box that I didn't already know. So...Hi. I was thinking of changing my nickname, but it's cheesiness is growing on me.

Thanks Buff

Post 2


Cheesey nicknames are good. I almost changed mine to *A mighty smooth shade of yellow*, but then decided that would be taking it too far. I might still add it as a parenthetical (is that a word?) comment. smiley - smiley
If you really have never conversed online, I feel that I should warn you about topic and forum drift. Topic drift is when the subject of a conversation mutates uncontrollably, and the other is the tendancy of forums to be abandoned as the participants migrate. Drift happens. But not to worry. If you hang around here long enough, you will eventually find everyone again.
On another train entirely...
If the computer is the glowing box, then TV is the chattering cyclops.
smiley - smiley

Oh, and...

Post 3


You might want to check out the Space Station BigC at I've been hanging around in the great hall.

Oh, and...

Post 4


"Hanging out in the great hall" sounds fairly effortless. I'll try it.
How fast are forum postings posted, can you "chat" or is it too slow?

Oh, and...

Post 5


This isn't a true chat. IRC (Internet Relay Chat), the grandaddy of all chat, is real time and you can actually "chat" in it. This is more like Usenet. You post a message to a thing like a bulletin board and wait for a response, possibly days later.

Oh, and...

Post 6


Thanks Hubert, where the h&%) are you? Is there somewhere to chat @ h2g2?

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