A Conversation for Water Ice

Water Ice Questions

Post 1

Researcher 29785

Is it the paper cup you eat? Will there ever be Water Ice liteā„¢? I bet its not available in the UK.

Water Ice Questions

Post 2


In think you will find that in the UK it's called a 'Slurpie'.

Water Ice Questions

Post 3


Water-Ice and Slurpies are actually different things (at least, where I come from). In the USA there are Slurpies, too.
Water-ice is usually put into a paper cone from my experience, and Slurpies into a paper cup which has a strange blue dog with a red sweater and the word "ICEE" written on it. And the ice of the water-ice is in large shredded pieces while Slurpies have a consistency that's more like an icey "mush". In Slurpies the flavor syrup is part of all of the mush, while in a water-ice cone the flavor syrup is poured on later onto the ice. (Although most of the syrup tends to soak into the ice shreddings).
I prefer Slurpies personally. (Cherry flavor Slurpies to be specific).
By the way, it is unknown at this moment whether or not the "Gray" aliens from Zeta Reticula like Slurpies or ice-cones. But if you happen to run into some of them, please ask them to stop by my house sometime while I'm there so I can talk with them about some things.

Water Ice Questions

Post 4

Ginger The Feisty

Stay away from the strange coloured slurpies (e.g. the blue one) because you then have to walk around the rest of the day with a strange coloured mouth.

Water Ice Questions

Post 5

Doug Dastardly

Of course drinking a green one makes convincing your boss that you should have the afternoon off sick a lot easier... smiley - winkeye

Water Ice Questions

Post 6

Ginger The Feisty

Bur drinking a red one could get you rushed to hospital!

Water Ice Questions

Post 7

Doug Dastardly

Or arrested for being a vampire smiley - winkeye. I'd hate to think what colouring they use in those. Do you remember those sweets called "Black jacks" - used to leave your mouth/tongue black! You could probably get away with saying you had bubonic plague with them!

Water Ice Questions

Post 8

Ginger The Feisty

Yeah, or the sherbet you could buy loose in bags that was flurescent coloured and after you'd been dipping your fingers in it they were dyed that way for weeks!

Water Ice Questions

Post 9

Doug Dastardly

Oh yeah, I remember that stuff. No matter how much you scrubbed, or how many layers of skin you took off smiley - winkeye. I seem to remember coming home with my mouth all kinds of colours as a kid. I think they banned alot of them!

Water Ice Questions

Post 10

Ginger The Feisty

Yeah, there was some story about them causing some health problems if they were taken with Coke (the drink). Rumours of deaths abounded when I was a kid but I think it might have been chinese whispers.

Water Ice Questions

Post 11

Doug Dastardly

I remember those stories about "moon dust" (that used to fizz on your tongue) and drinking coke could make you explode or something! If you ask me, anyone trying that was just asking for trouble anyway!

Water Ice Questions

Post 12

Ginger The Feisty

That was good stuff but my mum banned me from eating it - along with bubble gum(you could choke), gobstoppers (you could choke) but then she used to buy us sugar mice which rotted our teeth. smiley - smiley

Water Ice Questions

Post 13

Doug Dastardly

Yeah, me and my brother were banned bubblegum.. and gobstoppers too... I guess there had been some kind of bubblegum/gobstopper choking scare back then... me and my brother still used to get out hands on these banned substances though! That moon dust stuff was excellent, many a happy hour standing making shapes with my mouth listedning to the different sounds from the crackling going on on my tongue! And I'm *sure* wagon wheels used to be bigger! smiley - winkeye.

Water Ice Questions

Post 14

Ginger The Feisty

Wagon wheels were HUGE then or was I smaller ?

Water Ice Questions

Post 15

Doug Dastardly

I'm sure they were massive! Size of plates! One of them would keep you busy all afternoon. Maybe it's because out hands are bigger now that they look smaller...

Water Ice Questions

Post 16

Ginger The Feisty

But everything else seems the same size...

Water Ice Questions

Post 17

Doug Dastardly

Ah yes, that's a very good point. I think they must be smaller, I wonder if we can get definitive proof... Remaining with "cowboy" chocolate, do you remember "a man's got to chew, what a man's got to chew" Texan bars?

Water Ice Questions

Post 18

Ginger The Feisty

Yeah but my favourite was still curly wurly! Now they definitely got smaller!

Water Ice Questions

Post 19

Doug Dastardly

It was probably the cold... (ahem). Cor, I've not had a curly whirly in years! Do they still do them?

Water Ice Questions

Post 20

Ginger The Feisty

They do but they are mostly chocolate and not enough toffee. I mean that was the best bit trying to bite off a piece and the toffee stretching and stretching and when you finally bit there were all these toffee strings hanging off the bar !

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