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i think i know where your book could be
The Ghost Of TV's Frink Started conversation Jun 4, 1999
I'm guessing it has found its way to the same kind of planet that all the lost ballpoint pens go to. Of course, it would be a book-related planet as opposed to a pen-related planet, but you get the point. Hey, I wonder if that is also what happened to our rejection letters?
i think i know where your book could be
WhiteCrow Posted Jun 8, 1999
Perhaps its behind the sofa....thats where mine was.
i think i know where your book could be
Ginger The Feisty Posted Jun 8, 1999
Well I've looked under the sofa and it's not there! The other place I usually find things is behind the bookcase!
i think i know where your book could be
WhiteCrow Posted Jun 8, 1999
I meant behind MY sofa silly.
i think i know where your book could be
Ginger The Feisty Posted Jun 8, 1999
well can you take a look and let me know!
i think i know where your book could be
WhiteCrow Posted Jun 8, 1999
I looked but couldn't find it....I did find a pen I lost though
and 20p and one of my cats toys.
I will keep looking though.
How is (was) kensington?
Peta Posted Jun 9, 1999
That could be me. I was in kensington yesterday - and will be today. When I leave H2g2 and drag myself up there - s'ok don't have to be there until 11.00am. Wish the postman would come - waiting for THE book and for a letter. Why are they always late when you need them to be early.
Ginger The Feisty Posted Jun 9, 1999
They always come really early if I'm having a lie in too!
WhiteCrow Posted Jun 9, 1999
I bet they always try and deliver parcels when you are in the bath too.
Ginger The Feisty Posted Jun 9, 1999
My house often has a trail of wet footprints through it!
WhiteCrow Posted Jun 9, 1999
Yes, I would like to know who has been traipsing through gingers house wearing wet feet. This really isnt good enough ginger. You should put your foot down with a firm hand.
Ginger The Feisty Posted Jun 9, 1999
I'll tell whoever it is to dry them properly first next time!
Doug Dastardly Posted Jun 9, 1999
When your feet are as far away from you as mine are from me... it's easy to forget these little details
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i think i know where your book could be
- 1: The Ghost Of TV's Frink (Jun 4, 1999)
- 2: Peta (Jun 4, 1999)
- 3: WhiteCrow (Jun 8, 1999)
- 4: Ginger The Feisty (Jun 8, 1999)
- 5: WhiteCrow (Jun 8, 1999)
- 6: Ginger The Feisty (Jun 8, 1999)
- 7: WhiteCrow (Jun 8, 1999)
- 8: Ginger The Feisty (Jun 8, 1999)
- 9: Peta (Jun 9, 1999)
- 10: WhiteCrow (Jun 9, 1999)
- 11: Ginger The Feisty (Jun 9, 1999)
- 12: WhiteCrow (Jun 9, 1999)
- 13: Ginger The Feisty (Jun 9, 1999)
- 14: Doug Dastardly (Jun 9, 1999)
- 15: WhiteCrow (Jun 9, 1999)
- 16: Ginger The Feisty (Jun 9, 1999)
- 17: WhiteCrow (Jun 9, 1999)
- 18: Doug Dastardly (Jun 9, 1999)
- 19: Peta (Jun 10, 1999)
- 20: Ginger The Feisty (Jun 10, 1999)
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