This is the Message Centre for Ginger The Feisty

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Post 1

Doug Dastardly

Can you just tell us when you expect to be woken so we can avoid any unnecessary unpleasantness. smiley - winkeye

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Post 2

Ginger The Feisty

Never before lunch and never after midnight. The other 12 hours I'm a pussy cat!

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Post 3

Doug Dastardly

Seems reasonable to me. In fact I'd go so far as to say that nobody should be forced to get up before midday!

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Post 4

Ginger The Feisty

I don't even understand why there is such a thing as morning? Life would be a lot easier if the world didn't exist then. I'd get an extra six hours kip for a start!

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Post 5

Doug Dastardly

I'm definately with you on that one! The morning should exist... but only so we can sleep! I hate having to drag myself out of bed and crawl down the landing at six in the morning! And anyone who says it's the best part of the day is obviously very sick! Six hours extra in bed - I think I'll join you! (ahem, you know what I mean.)

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Post 6

Ginger The Feisty

I notice in your diary it was more like an exta 9 hours sleep - even I can't sleep until 3 in the afternoon although I have been known to get up at 12 and go back to bed at 2. Anyone who thinks sundays aren't for catching up on the kip you missed because of our unreasonable working habits should be locked up.

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Post 7

Doug Dastardly

Ha, you been checking up on me smiley - winkeye. Well I was just so tired this week. I hate commuting, it really takes it out of me and by the weekend I just feel exhausted (Hmm.. it can't be these late nights on the net can it?). So I think you're allowed a nice lie in at the weekend. Don't you? At least I didn't spend hundreds of pounds on buttons!

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Post 8

Ginger The Feisty

You obviously didn't readit properly - the buttons only cost 60p. The £300 was books, undies, clothes & bath bombs. I'm a bit of an impulse buyer and an addict as far as the above commodities go!

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Post 9

Doug Dastardly

That's some impulse! But like I always say, if you can't treat yourself once in a while then there's something wrong with the world. smiley - smiley. From your list, it sounds like you got a lot for you money!

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Post 10

Ginger The Feisty

Either that ot I'm a typical accountant and can't add up - maybe I spent more!

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Post 11

Doug Dastardly

Well, when you're having fun, buying the things you like - I always find it's best to ignore the price! Well, as much as you can! I do network / computer support - in your own time you don't want to do what you do at work do you!

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Post 12

Ginger The Feisty

Well I don't really work as an accountant any more. i work in systems doing contractor management, system support, business analysis - the sort of stuff you can do by knowing more than the average user but not actually being a teccie.....Not that there is anything wrong in being a teccie (ahem!). I'm sure some of them are very sweet in their own way!! smiley - bigeyes

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Post 13

Doug Dastardly

Well, I guess I am one of those techie's. The shame of it! Oh well - basicly I get confronted with everyone elses problem (no matter what it is - if it's vaguely electrical it gets put on my desk!) and never sort anything out od my own!

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Post 14

Ginger The Feisty

i'm just trying to imagine what a vaguely electrical item looks like !

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Post 15

Doug Dastardly

Haha, yeah I can imagine! Things like calculators... things like that! Oh dear... I dread to think what was going through your mind!

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Post 16

Ginger The Feisty

Odd isn't it that people still use calculators at work when they have these really big powerful calculators sat on their desks!

I swear I wasn't thinking anything dirty because I'm not that kind of girl!

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Post 17

Doug Dastardly

Yeah I know what you mean. The best part of two grands worth of kit infront of them and they use a brightly coloured Smartie calculator with big buttons! At least you don't see those calculator watches around so much now! The really sad thing is when they used their calulator to actually work out the numbers to put into a spreadsheet! *shakes head in dispair!*

Oh, I wasn't suggesting you had a dirty mind! Me? As if?

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Post 18

Ginger The Feisty

And in my experience the figures for that spreadsheet come from a report that has just printed from the Financial System and they are just typing it in so "it looks nice"!

We're back to looks being more important than content again!

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Post 19

Doug Dastardly

I can completely relate to that! If it looks good - people believe it! You see things that you just can't believe sometimes... definately style over content - trouble is - I work for civil engineers... they have very little style smiley - smiley

I've got a meeting to go to in the next few days to discuss the corporate website... I just know that's going to be a nightmare!

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Post 20

Ginger The Feisty

You think you've got it bad - I work for an advertising firm.Everyone is a director or a Vp and you know how these creative types can be! Definitely a case of too many chiefs...

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