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GCSE's Done

Post 1

Hopelessly Paranoid

Yay! Got my GCSE's

A = 8
B = 1
C = 1 (A/S level)
D = 1 (Art)

That one D does have me bummed... one failed GCSE which I could have passed, had I been bothered. But there's no point lingering over it. I got an A in Graphic Design!!!! I totally wasn't expecting it and I'm chuffed!

And now they shall throw me back into that awful school, start the process over again, make it harder and call it 'A-Level'

You have to laugh... if you didn't, you'd cry smiley - winkeye

GCSE's Done

Post 2


Congratulations on the A's!

smiley - starsmiley - planetsmiley - star

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