A Conversation for Goatsucker

Songs about Chupacabras

Post 1

Feral Korzybski

The band M.I.R.V. (see my entry, A190559) is the only rock band to have written a song about chupacabras
(the lyrics primarily consisting of "the chupacabras" ad. infinitum, but with the occasional other line thrown
in such as "What's for dinner?", "I don't know. Squash? Mashed potatoes?", or even "They'll suck the blood
out of you, right there in the urinal"). Does anyone know of any other chupacabra related songs (the album
title in the "chupacabras" thread not-withstanding) or any songs about UFO culture in general? (Come to think
of it, Allen Sherman had a cute little take off on "5'2'', eyes of blue" about a robotic-alien girlfriend)

correction to previous post

Post 2

Feral Korzybski

Oops, the previous post was meant to have started: "_As far as I know,_ the band M.I.R.V. is the only rock
band to have written a song about chupacabras", etc, etc

sorry about that

Songs about Chupacabras

Post 3

Captain Ham Sandwich

Hah! A little known Welsh band called the Super Furry Animals (SFA) have a song, imaginativley entitled 'Chupacabras'. They're actually a very good band and it's a mystery to me as to why they are not more popular. The song goes:

Have you heard about that bat?
It eats your goat and then your cat
Soon enough you willl not smile
When it comes you'll RUN A MILE!!!

say; Soy super bien, soy super super bien.... etc...

CHUPACABRAS... repeated over and over. Visit the site at www.superfurry.com for more info.

Songs about Chupacabras

Post 4

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

For UFO culture, it's hard to beat those old hardy perrenials "Hawkwind"... Tracks by Hawkwind and their numeroud spin-off bands include "Space Invaders" (Inner City Unit) and "Canes Vena Tice" (Underground Zero), both of which look at alien/human encounters from the alien perspective... smiley - bigeyes

Songs about Chupacabras

Post 5

C Hawke

Not only that But:

Love in Space
Aubergine that eat Rangoon (well sort of alien)
All of Space Ritual

Well in to be honest about 80% of Hawkwinds output, the other 20% being about drugs, taking drugs, or seeing aliens after taking drugs smiley - smiley

BTW Please to see at least one other person is old enough to remember the great ICU and (under)Ground Zero.


Songs about Chupacabras

Post 6

Baach U Man!

Yeah I've heard about SFA, infact they're one of my fav bands. More people should know about them! They've also got a song (among many others) about a hamster powering a house and alien abduction. But you probably already know that so I won't mention it.

Songs about Chupacabras

Post 7

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I'm afraid you did.

Imani Copolla (the gal who sang Legend Of A Cowgirl, and that gorgeous song I'm A Tree smiley - bigeyes) called her album Chupacabra. I don't have it though, so no more information there

(the sun ain't all to see/just turn off your tv/everything around you is just part of every other thing/i'm a tree) smiley - smiley

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