This is the Message Centre for Barquing

Nice Squid

Post 1

Demon Drawer

Just popped by to say hi and welcome to H2G2. There are loads of interesting places to visit around here but as I'm at work by list is at home, but you can click on my name above and find most of the places I frequent on my homepage.

There's is also a link there to the ACEs (Assistant Community Editors) Homepage. Go there to have you queries answered or click the nice friendly Don't Panic button at the top of the page.

Bye for now, but hope you enjoy it around here I certainly do.

DD smiley - smiley

Nice Squid

Post 2


Wow. That was prompt. Thanks a lot - nice to know theres a human at the other end of these forms...

Nice Squid

Post 3

Demon Drawer

Who said anything about being human. smiley - smiley

Nice Squid

Post 4


~grin~... howdy... me also thought your squid was nice... ~bigger grin~... odd but nice...

Me also not human by the way... me a cat... who loves doughnuts... ~hint... hint~

Nice Squid

Post 5


ok then. If any of you guys meet a human, could you post a photograph? Never seen one before.

I'm Human

Post 6


I'm human but I happen to be dead. Great work so far.smiley - winkeye

Mozartsmiley - fish

I'm Human

Post 7


Coooo... ~grin~... me loves your work... Mister Mozart Sir...

I'm Human

Post 8


I'm human and very much alive... no photos, thoughsmiley - winkeye

I'm Human

Post 9


Nothing kinky thanks. I'm young an innocent. smiley - smiley
No. honestly.

I'm Human

Post 10


Don't worry, nothing kinky....
On completely another topic alltogether...
Come and get a donut at - smiley


Post 11


was it diogenes who kept on looking for a human in the streets of ancient Corinth?
yes... it was some 2322 yaers ago, and we still haven't found any!!
But we just found (thanks to Barquing) a squid !
And the thing is it has eyes very similar to ours, while we are vertebrates and he is not.

It has always been a major question for me!!!!


Post 12


It might be merely a deeply humane squid. Which would explain a lot.

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