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Coloring outside inside the lines...

Post 1

J Murphy

I just had an intereting thought...
I know that may seem foriegn to some of us here, but then agin we all seem to be pretty good at thinking out out arses.

I was talking with an accuantance of mine and we began to extemporize on the nature of the education system, and how we are told to be creative but color inside the lines of a predetermined pattern. We both thought that that was complete bunk, and that it limited expression, so when I have kids I will give them this advice:

If you don't think the lines are right the way they are.. take the black crayon, and draw more lines.

Coloring outside inside the lines...

Post 2


of course over here, where we write/speak our english properly, we say colouring, but that's not the point smiley - winkeye

i think you are so right - we seem to be taught, all over the world, that creative thinking is bad - the number of tiems i have handed in an essay with my own ideas and been asked where the footnote is for a comment that is my own opinion/idea, as if i must only regurgitate the work of others and not think for myself ...

i think people are scared of new, they are scared of change, and especially academics (some of them)


Coloring outside inside the lines...

Post 3

J Murphy

Yeah Yeah... SO I said Color not Colour... I recently joined a minimalist commune that professes we should save as many letters as possible, thus eliminating the U in Colour... I did notice though.. you tell the tiem in your country it seems and not the time....


Coloring outside inside the lines...

Post 4


ah yes well ahem - i think that has more to do with my inability to type properly than the spelling over here smiley - winkeye

hey can i add a link to you from my page?


Coloring outside inside the lines...

Post 5

J Murphy

Sure thing Spam er Span me luv... My typing isn't the best either... :P I'd be honored to be referenced from your page.

Coloring outside inside the lines...

Post 6


consider it done - although i'll change what i've written soon

who is mostly definitely not spam smiley - tongueout (no pun intended)

Coloring outside inside the lines...

Post 7


I think it's a brilliant idea.. I've often wondered the same thing. Maybe someone (*looks around* .. us?) should start a campaign to force colouring books to have that inscribed inside the front cover of every issue? And mark in Big Red Letter "To The Parents" ?


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