This is the Message Centre for Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

I am inquisitive

Post 1

Trillian's child

My nose tells me that you may be German. Or at least not English-speaking. No English person would write tomato soup together.

If you are German, or live in Germany, would you be interested in a meeting we are having in December? This applies to the South of Germany, and this is only a hunch I'm working on here, so please excuse any misinterpretations.

Happy H2G2-ing.!

I am inquisitive

Post 2

Trillian's child

OK I've found it now - you're Danish. Rather a long way away. Are any Danes going to Amsterdam? (29/30 September)

I am inquisitive

Post 3

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Yes, I am danish. Though I was born in Germany and lived there till I was about 20 and have a lot of german relatives.

No, southern Germany is too far - as is Amsterdam, I am afraid.

I was invited to the dutch meet, but I do not have neither the time nor the money.

I do not know if any danes are going to Amsterdam. Maybe you should ask Shazz.


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