A Conversation for The Virtual Supporters' Club

VSC: Football Don't Talk to me About Fooball

Post 1

Demon Drawer

Probably the worse place for a Northern Irish football mad lad to be today has got to he in fitba mad Scotland or L'Ecosse as they are not saying in France today.

How one team can manage to twice score own goals in the last minute to throw a good qualifying campaign is one thing. But to have gloating Scots surrounding you the day after is a pain too far.

VSC: Football Don't Talk to me About Fooball

Post 2


Yeah, and sorry that it was our Keith what did for you smiley - erm

VSC: Football Don't Talk to me About Fooball

Post 3


smiley - biggrin

I thought we had a French member of the VSC.

VSC: Football Don't Talk to me About Fooball

Post 4

Demon Drawer

Worse at least they can kick the Scots out on the next plane.

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