A Conversation for The Virtual Supporters' Club

VSC Hit and Miss Challenge

Post 1


The Very Easy Bitsmiley - biggrin

Watch this video http://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=24585

The Easy Bitsmiley - biggrin

Name the Player that misses in each segment.

The More Difficult Bitsmiley - erm

Name Both Teams Playing

The Hard Bitsmiley - sadface

Name the Artist and Title of the song playing over each segment.

Good Luck. First Complete set of answers posted will win a prize, this being the everlasting admiration of fellow hootooers.

VSC Hit and Miss Challenge

Post 2

Mu Beta

There's a Conference South game going on at

if you're interested, Nirv.


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VSC Hit and Miss Challenge

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