A Conversation for Hongi Hika
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A7458131 - Hongi Hika
kitboyes Started conversation Dec 2, 2005
Entry: Hongi Hika - A7458131
Author: kitboyes - U1528921
First draft of a short biography. Probably the most controversial thing is I also pasted a virtually identical article on Wikipedia, not sure if people are going to sulk about that... Kit.
A7458131 - Hongi Hika
Ah, yes I think the wiki thing could pose a problem.
It's an interesting entry I'll save my comments until someone's yayed or nayed the wiki issue.
A7458131 - Hongi Hika
Cyzaki Posted Dec 2, 2005
Entries for the Edited Guide need to be unique, not appearing anywhere else. If you change either this entry or the wiki one so the two are sufficiently different, then there shouldn't be a problem.
A7458131 - Hongi Hika
kitboyes Posted Jan 29, 2006
yeah, but in a vague sort of way - was intending to beef up with more material, (like, wait 6 months and it'll probably be ready for peer review .
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Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A7458131 - Hongi Hika
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