This is the Message Centre for Tesch
what the heck
Tesch Started conversation Dec 24, 1999
i figure ive gotta put something here, if ive got a site, so my first journal entry is about....YOU
yes, thats right. i want to get to know a lot of people, so if you drop by, tell me SOMETHING about you, any APPROPRIATE thing...yeah, yeah, it wont work, but who cares, ill try it anyway
what the heck
Calroth Posted Dec 24, 1999
Wow, you're talking about me already? I feel so special.
It's currently one day away from Christmas here in sunny Australia. Well, actually, it's not sunny at all. But I'll say hi to Santa for you. Well, actually, I won't, I've set a few booby-traps for him this year. But you can only hope.
P.S. Welcome to the Hitchhiker's Guide!
what the heck
Tesch Posted Jan 5, 2001
ok, so i'm a little slow...over a year later, i get back to writing you back...thanks for saying hi, though...
well, be happy...stay unsafe...good psychos, rejoice...
fried beans and calips taste good, though..
i've got to do something else...i think there's something wrong with me...
leave me! out!
what the heck
Tesch Posted Jan 17, 2001
yeah, i think i have time now...a bit of school is letting, what's your site's address? i'll check it out....
what the heck
Martin Harper Posted Jan 20, 2001
Hi Calroth, Tesch... Calroth's entry on stretchy santa claus is in peer review at - it's a shame that nobody seems to have tipped Calroth off about this, but there you are... So, if you can get in contact with him Tesch, please do - only a few changes needed to make it edited material, imho...
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what the heck
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