This is the Message Centre for Deek


Post 1


So, Compass Points accepted as a guide page AND given front page billing.
Can I now consider myself as a really froody hoop ??  


Post 2


Yes definiteley


Post 3


Hi and thanx. But I need a holiday, seems I keep getting things wrong lately. I liked the picture on your page, is that what's called surfing the tube ?? I've been trying to get a piccy on my page for a while now but no success. I've been told how to do it but it's not working.
Have you seen the Surfing & white horses Guinness advert on TV? It deserves an award. But who's Ahab? A.M.smiley - bigeyes


Post 4


No thats a "bottom turn" , a powerful move after the initial drop that sets up the rest of the wave. Surfing the tube is when you are actually inside the breaking wave totally surrounded except in front hopefully which is where you hope to come out again! I got the pic on by uploading it to some web space hosted by (A place where you can make free animated Characters with someones face on if you have a scanner to get the face from and some software to edit it with. Good fun , you can e-mail it or put a link to it on H2)They also have clip art section, you sign on and get free web space where there is an upload feature to send your piccy to then just click on the pic, select copy this.. er something,( I'm sure you know )and paste it in to H2 where you want it. Its cool as I didn't think u could upload anything without FTP kit .(I'm pretty new to all this and on a steep learning curve at the moment)I don't know if you can upload animations though .Really like the ad, does ahab come into it ? I'm to busy watching the pics! ,

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