A Conversation for Blue-tack : a Beginner's Guide

Does anyone else make stuff with blue tack?

Post 1

TimJ (ACE)

Does anyone else find themselfs sculpting animals, houses, planes and the like out of tihis?

Does anyone else make stuff with blue tack?

Post 2


Err, not me, this is just an observation. Honest.

Does anyone else make stuff with blue tack?

Post 3

TimJ (ACE)

Ah right, I must be mad then. I have it on good authority (practically everyone I meet) that I have very little grip on my sne side.

Does anyone else make stuff with blue tack?

Post 4


I make stuff like that, it is a good (tho' monochromatic) substitute for plasticine smiley - smiley
BCNU - Crescent

Does anyone else make stuff with blue tack?

Post 5

TimJ (ACE)

Yup, and Plastacine tastes bad as well!
smiley - smiley

Does anyone else make stuff with blue tack?

Post 6

Jacculus of Rome

I make brains out of blu-tack. What you do is make a long string and roll it up into a ball. It then looks exactly right!

Does anyone else make stuff with blue tack?

Post 7


Occasionally I make tiny human figures from Blu-Tack.
Then I "pretend" to be the Hand of God and squash them Ha ha ha!
Also I enjoy biting (NOT chewing) it, to see the impressions of my teeth in the surface. It's like going to the orthodontist and having impressions done, but without the dental treatment!

Does anyone else make stuff with blue tack?

Post 8

Jacculus of Rome

The annoying bit being that bits of blue-tack end up on your teeth and then come out in your sandwich which can cause people to stare at you in an odd manner.

Does anyone else make stuff with blue tack?

Post 9


Also bits of dry paint that come off the wall with old posters get rubbed into my lump of blu-tack, adding an unpleasant "crunchy" texture to it.

Does anyone else make stuff with blue tack?

Post 10

Jacculus of Rome

Yeah,thats true. Or in my case bits of dry mortar,plaster or mosaic tiles from my villa. Please don't ask me how blu-tack got to ancient rome, some time paradox I expect.

Does anyone else make stuff with blue tack?

Post 11

TimJ (ACE)

Whats worse is you cough on blu tack when ill, then forget and bite it when you are better, thus making self ill once more.

Its none too pleasnt, nut it happened! smiley - smiley

Does anyone else make stuff with blue tack?

Post 12


Equally sick-making is roll-on deodorant, which I tried just this afternoon. It actually has a taste, which is worse than Blu-Tack!
To apologise for my stupidity, here is a fish smiley - fish

Does anyone else make stuff with blue tack?

Post 13

Jacculus of Rome

What, you mean you rolled it on your tongue?

That would taste bad.

Also roll-ons get sand in them on the beach

Does anyone else make stuff with blue tack?

Post 14

TimJ (ACE)

Dont you agree that watches were /designed/ to be used as replacements for babies dummies?

Does anyone else make stuff with blue tack?

Post 15


No, I bit into the roll-on stuff. There is now a large deep groove in the surface, which might be hard be hard to explain to my mum!

Does anyone else make stuff with blue tack?

Post 16

Jacculus of Rome


Does anyone else make stuff with blue tack?

Post 17


Nope i dont, but i was wondering if anyone knows how to remove blu tack from a celing easily?? because im really struggling and my thumbs are sore!!

Does anyone else make stuff with blue tack?

Post 18


Hmmmm, you do not mention the height of the ceiling, or the state of it. However I would recommend warming up the target blu-tac, either by body heat or maybe a cup of hot water held under it, and then using another ball of warm blu-tac to try and peel it off. Hope this helps and until later...>
BCNU - Crescent

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