A Conversation for Christopher Eccleston and Mencap

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A7234977 - Christopher Eccleston and Mencap

Post 1


Entry: Christopher Eccleston and Mencap - A7234977
Author: fireproofraven - U1936630

Hello please can you review this for me.

A7234977 - Christopher Eccleston and Mencap

Post 2


This is a good entry smiley - smiley

However it wouldn't be suitable for the Edited Guide, as it is far too much a personal account to fit in with the Writing-Guidelines. You might like to submit it to the though - I'm sure they'd love it. Otherwise, it would still be readable and searchable by anyone whose interested if you removed it from this review forum and left it as a normal, unedited entry.

smiley - panda

A7234977 - Christopher Eccleston and Mencap

Post 3

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

While this isn't suitable for the EG as is, I can see it could be rewritten into an interesting entry.

Fireproof, have a look at the Writing Guidelines link that Cyzaki posted. Also have a look at some EG entries that are similar in topic to get an idea of what is needed.

I certainly think you could write about Mencap, and Ecclestone's involvement. I particularly liked the insight about why people with learning D/As like Dr Who.

You'll definitely need to take out the first person references (see the Writing Guidlines).
More information about Mencap and learning disabilities would be good. Expand what the difficulties are especially re funding. And more information about Eccleston's role and what it involves.

My suggestion is to leave this entry as is, in the unedited guide, because your experience of the exhibition is valuable (if you want feedback about the entry as is, check out The Alternative Writing Workshop http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/Writing-Alternative ).

And then to use the entry as the basis for writing another one for the EG that fits the guidelines better.

smiley - cheers

A7234977 - Christopher Eccleston and Mencap

Post 4

Skankyrich [?]

Cyzaki is absolutely right that we'd be interested in this report for smiley - thepost magazine smiley - smiley

If you're interested, go to U54963 and leave a message for the team - there's also a link there for you to email us if you want to.

*off to find Cal* smiley - run

A7234977 - Christopher Eccleston and Mencap

Post 5


Aww, I could have said that.

Thanks, Rich.smiley - ok

A7234977 - Christopher Eccleston and Mencap

Post 6


Thank you all for replying. Those comments were really useful. Right I'll put some more details about mencap and funding difficulties and then submit it to the post. Cheers very much guys. smiley - smiley

A7234977 - Christopher Eccleston and Mencap

Post 7

Skankyrich [?]

I think we're keen smiley - smiley

If you go to <./>ThePost</.> there's a link at the bottom of the editorial bit to send submissions to us direct. If you were to send this as a text document, or copy and paste it into an email, before Sunday I'm sure we could consider it for the next issue!

I really hope you do, this would make a great article!

A7234977 - Christopher Eccleston and Mencap

Post 8


In the meantime can you remove this from the Edited Writing Workshop by clicking on the link at the top of this page, finding your entry, and clicking on the X or Remove next to it?

smiley - panda

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