This is the Message Centre for Albert the Teddy-Dog

Good doggie!!

Post 21


Lots of bones to dig up around here smiley - smiley.. Some of them are pretty nasty, though, unless you like old stuff. smiley - bigeyes

Good doggie!!

Post 22

Albert the Teddy-Dog

I like anything that comes my way, and doesn't involve too much effort on my part... smiley - smiley

Woof! Woof! A bone! I see a bone! A BOOOOOOOOOOOONE!!!!!

Okay. Calm down. Breathe. Breathe. Calm down. Breathe....

Ah, that's better...

Good doggie!!

Post 23

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

Breathing, Grrrrr... sounds such good fun, Grrrr... I never have any fun, not even breathing!!!

smiley - sadface WbB

Good doggie!!

Post 24


Wilson, you silly ol'bear! smiley - winkeye

Breathing isn't -really- all that much fun.. and once you start the habit, it's such a nasty thing to break. smiley - bigeyes


Good doggie!!

Post 25

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

I had a habit once, which I did break. Took it back to the shop, and they said I was careless and wouldn't give me a new one. So I have no habits now.

smiley - sadface WbB

Good doggie!!

Post 26

Albert the Teddy-Dog

Well you know the old saying, "Once a pineapple, always a pineapple." Or maybe you don't. In fact, maybe I just made that up. I seem to do that sometimes.

Habits aren't necessarily a good thing. Breathing is pretty boring really, and even little things like having to go to sleep every night get annoying too.

Nice to see you again, Wilson Brown-Bear! smiley - bigeyes I've missed you.

Good doggie!!

Post 27


I have lots of habits (mostly bad), so you can have your pick of mine if you want, WBB.. and I won't even care if you break them. smiley - winkeye


Good doggie!!

Post 28

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

You are all so nice, it makes me want to weep. *Shakes head* I like you Albert and I like you Nonnie... It is alright to like you isn't it? I won't make a habit of liking you of course, that would be wrong... Grrrr... my head hurts, some stuffing fell out of my ear, and they pushed in back in with a knitting needle... Not a nice thing to do I think...

smiley - sadface WbB

Good doggie!!

Post 29

Albert the Teddy-Dog

Not a nice thing to do at all... smiley - sadface

One time somebody pinched my bone. My favourite bone! I've never forgiven them. That was a nasty thing to do, I think...

Anyway, why would it be wrong to make a habit of liking me and Nonnie?

Good doggie!!

Post 30


*looks enquiringly at WBB for explanation* I was wondering the same thing.. *hands WBB some chocolate fishies and a salmon patty* smiley - winkeye


Good doggie!!

Post 31

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

*Wilson looks down at choccie fishies and salmon patty* Grrr... This is nice, would be nicer if I could eat them, I can't you know, I have no mouth. But don't you worry about that, I shall put them in my pocket, they will of course go mouldy in there and start to smell. Then I will smell worse than I already do. Maybe it's what you all want, I don't know. Never mind, it was a good thought, I had a good thought once you know, I don't no what happened to it. Maybe I will get it back again one day, if I concentrate hard enough.

smiley - sadface WbB

Good doggie!!

Post 32


*quickly grabs majick marker and draws mouth on WBB* There you go.. now you can eat them! smiley - winkeye


Good doggie!!

Post 33

Albert the Teddy-Dog

I've never had any thoughts... smiley - sadface

But I have lots of bones! smiley - bigeyes

Good doggie!!

Post 34

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

Grr, I have a mouth now, well it's just drawn on, thankyou Nonnie. I can't use it, and it's made me look really silly, but it was a nice idea.

I have never had a bone, I have got a green scarf though, it keeps me warm in the cold months.

smiley - sadface WbB

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