A Conversation for Stage Lighting

Thoughts on Stage Lighting

Post 1


Three years ago I went to college to become a biochemisist. I lost interest in at as I discovered the world of theatre and specifically of theatrical lighting. Since then I have learned much and have had a few chances to do some design work of my own.

My first mistake was trying to do everything on my own. The lighting was for a fashion show presented by another student. I was free to do whatever sort of lighting I wanted to. I had no problems hanging the lights, but when I went to focusing, it became a bit more difficult. My student mentor even warned me about it. NEVER FOCUS ALONE. The main purpose of theatrical lighting is to allow the audience to be able to see the actors/performers. If the lights are focused alone or without an actor tall object, then the floor of the stage will be well lit, but the faces of the actors may not be.

The next mistake was not using much front light. The lighting was dramatic, but it was mainly from the top. Each area had one light from the side/front of the area. This did not help the visibility of the models or the clothing.

Since then, I have learned about different directions for lighting and how the lighting can be used to 'sculpt' the performer in the space. For the best and most 'natural' looking light, each area of the space (it's best to divide the space into multiple, overlapping areas) to have two lights placed 45 degrees horizontally and vertically on either side of the spot. To add more dimension, top and backlighting helps to make the actor look three dimensional. Sidelighting also helps to do this.

The placement of the lighting instruments can help or hinder a lighting design. Different placements in the space can cause different effects and give a different feel to the show.

Just a few pointers/hints on lighting design, though there are many as the topic is very extensive.

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