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Post 121


(BTW TY - the swimming pool has moved to:
the beach is where it was)

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Post 122


I've just been categorising them all. Check the world of h2g2! Brilliant job you've done here Bluebottle.

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Post 123


Beware - Beware!!!!!! You've got it all wrong, the one thing common in all shark attacks is that the swimmers are wet. You see sharks only eat wet people - so you must swim in a dry pool to stay safe.

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Post 124

Penguin Girl - returned at last

Sign me up for HRASC! Great membership site...won me right over.smiley - fish

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Post 125

JLC the TTP aka ...It's All Happening!

I would like to become a card carrying member and invite all members to the Jacuzzi at Last! in the Swimming Pool 111. No suits allowed and applications are now being taken for towls boy attendants. As for the canuk I am replying to above. Well what can americans say about canuks. I'll cast no further aspersions. Let the joy and relaxing rapture begin. I'll bring my oils and give massages by the jacuzzi in the garden. Worlds of Love, JLC the TTp

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Post 126


Can I join ? It sounds fun ?

smiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueout

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Post 127

Bobin' Along (with the flow)

It's a little known fact (probably because I just now made it up) that sharks go for swimwear-clad bodies because they are too cheap to go out and buy their own dental floss. And indeed, why should they when there are oceans full of fools wearing clothing composed of perfectly useable thread? Heck with them... let them go to the drug store ("chemist's" for all our UK friends) like the rest of us!

Sign me up!

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Post 128


Don't you mean pharmacist? smiley - tongueout

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Post 129

Bobin' Along (with the flow)

Quite possibly.
Sorry... I'm a product of U.S. media :o\

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Post 130


So are we, you should take a look at are TV shedules, at the moment I'm taping WWF RAW for my housemate?

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Post 131

Bobin' Along (with the flow)


Under duress?

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Post 132


Yes, we have a deal, he gets to watch WWF and I get to watch 'The Love Boat'.

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Post 133


He watches the World Wildlife Fund?

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Post 134


That and animal hospital ?

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Post 135

JLC the TTP aka ...It's All Happening!

I thought the WWF, was the World Wrestling Federation, I can understand how it could be confused with a showplace for animals. I do hope that you tape the Wrestlers, if that's what it is, with the set ff straight from the cable. I would hate to have my cyberlove exposed to such stupid vulgar violent media. About that high contact sport we keep dreaming of Happy... Drat! It's 2pm and I just heard thunder! The Gods conspire against us. Try [email protected]

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Post 136


Ah - the WWF and the WWF are currently suing each other over who has the right to use the initials "WWF". The "World Wildlife Fund" has the advantage of using the initials since the 50s/60s, and has done lots of marvellous things to save animals, wheras the other one has existed for about 5 years and doesn't seem to be able to write a convincing script yet. Plus if they lose, they make a packet of money so no-one minds, if the Wildlife Fund loses, lots of money that could have helped animals gets put into the wrestling society's greedy pockets.

So I support the Wildlife Fund.

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Post 137


OK I hope the WWFund wins this one.

JLC I have a passing knowage of wrastlers and chelsea FC cos my housemate tis a total nut with regards to both, while tapping the volume was turned town & I listen to radio, i'll be in touch soom huns.smiley - tongueout

P.S. hope the storm gone away.

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Post 138

Yeliab {h2g2as}

The wresteling is just pretend anyway, they never actually inflict any pain. It's relativly well corriographed but still quite obvious.

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Post 139


To qote my flatmate, 'Best soap opera on TV'. (His Words not mine).

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Post 140

Penguin Girl - returned at last

my younger brother used to cry whenever anyone said it was fake...Usually that was me.

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