A Conversation for The difference between a bug and a virus

Buggy Moths

Post 1


That bit on the moth isn't entirely correct. The computer in question -was- a room, not so much -in- a room. Someone left the door open during the night and it had flown in. If I recall correctly, they found it wedged in a switch.

Buggy Moths

Post 2

Researcher 79523

You're probably right.

I might have to revise it.

I went from memory when I wrote this, because I was on a "writing" roll.

But I'll check my facts in a reliable place first. Just don't want to make the same mistake TWICE.

Anything else not to your liking?

Let me know.

Buggy Moths

Post 3


Uhm.. Just one minor one... Unix isn't affected by the Y2K bug. It uses a different method of keeping track of time, counting the number of seconds since midnight, January 1, 1970.

Other than that I thought it was a great article! smiley - winkeye

Buggy Moths

Post 4

Researcher 79523

Uh, you're right!

And I've been studying Unix (and Linux) for about 2 1/2 years...

Shoulda remembered that.

I'll correct it as soon as possible...

But I used Unix as a term to help me present operating systems, (UNIX is an example for an OS, in more ways than one...) I'll have to rephrase a few things...

One more nail in the coffin for the Microsoft OSes... If I remember correctly, the MacOS is also immune, (I don't know if that's related, but the MacOS is a UNIX derivative, I've heard...)

Anyway, thanks, and tell any friends who might benefit from reading my article, tell them about it, and if not, well, I won't hold it against you, 'cos I'm a NICE GUY.

Buggy Moths

Post 5


I think it's one I'm going to add to my newest (under construction) link page, if you don't mind. smiley - winkeye

Buggy Moths

Post 6

Researcher 79523

Naturally, I don't mind.

I've incorporated your suggestions (corrections) to the text...

The text is definitive (for now).

Have you written any entries in the guide?
Let me know, and I'll see about returning your favors... smiley - winkeye

Buggy Moths

Post 7


*begins preening unabashedly, realizes this, then blushes profusely*

Well.. Actually I've 'officially' been an 'official' part of three 'official' guide entries. smiley - bigeyes oops. *blush*

At any rate, you can find them dangling off my page for further evaluation and rejection. smiley - winkeye

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