This is the Message Centre for E James K
Greetings E James K. :)
Phoenix Started conversation Dec 2, 2000
I'm Phoenix, one of the ACEs here at H2G2. Unfortunately it looks as if you got somehow overlooked as far as being Greeted goes. I'm sorry no one has stopped by earlier, but here I am now. Welcome to H2G2!
How are thing going for you here?
If you need any help finding anything, on the site or in the books, please feel free to contact me.
Greetings E James K. :)
E James K Posted Dec 30, 2000
I'm sorry if i haven't responded to this w/in the prescribed period of time, but it's been a bit of time since I
last logged on here.
Many thanks for the greeting, if I do ever need anything from you l will be sure to ask.
Unfortunately I'm not at all sure what, if anything, I should say.
Thank you again
Greetings E James K. :)
Phoenix Posted Jan 2, 2001
No problem regarding the long response time. I'm happy to see that you're still around.
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Greetings E James K. :)
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