A Conversation for Rules for [Writing About] Time Travel

totally unrelated to my and RA's conversation.... :-)

Post 61

Roasted Amoeba

Have either of you read Utopia? I haven't, but I've heard it's *very* good.

totally unrelated to my and RA's conversation.... :-)

Post 62

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Actually, I've never heard of it. Who wrote it?

totally unrelated to my and RA's conversation.... :-)

Post 63


Thomas More, I think.... smiley - smiley

totally unrelated to my and RA's conversation.... :-)

Post 64

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Hmm... I'll have to see if that's in any of the libraries around here, then. Sounds interesting.

totally unrelated to my and RA's conversation.... :-)

Post 65

Researcher 55674

It is rather interesting. Don't expect a story, however. It's basically a thought out decription of how the author would build his own nation, based on his own ideas of logic and the human condition.

totally unrelated to my and RA's conversation.... :-)

Post 66

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

No story? No problem. I love some of JD Salinger's later stuff, and they're mostly just plotless ramblings about one character or another.

It still sounds interesting enough to warrent a check out at the library. smiley - smiley

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