A Conversation for Lunch

France & Israel

Post 1

Alon (aka Mr.Cynic)

France and Israel also have a nap at lunch which is a period of two hours sometime between midday and four o'clock. As you mentioned, superstores are killing the magnificient, time-wasting tradition. smiley - smiley

Also, Airline food often consists of a piece of rubber which is claimed to be "Chicken Curry" or "Duck a l'orange". smiley - smiley

And may I say sporks are very useful - you can eat creamy yoghurt yet manage to stab yourself wish great ease. smiley - smiley


Post 2

I.V. BeerDwarf

You could also try eating the Spork. Which, I am reliabley informed has almost twice the nutritional value of the meal itself!


Post 3

the potter

At any UCI cinema you are currently able to buy "chippendips" (probably tm on that), which are small cubes of potato, deep fried. These are served on a plastic tray with two dips, and a useful spork. Of course, the spork is too flimsy to effectively stab into the chippendips anyway, and in the darkness of the cinema the potato pieces soon get lost in the dips, and then the dips get all over you (& the seats/floor/person in front) as well. It is strange that noone at UCI has yet realised that long thin chippendips which could be picked up, dipped, and eaten with the fingers would be so much easier. Just like ordinary boring chips actually. But I guess they wouldn't be able to put a TM on that idea would they.


Post 4

Rich Loony

Another word for "spork" is "splade". I have no idea why.


Post 5

Alon (aka Mr.Cynic)

Isn't a splade a spoon with a 'sharp' bit? It would make sense - as in spoon + blade = splade. I don't know. I'm not an expert with disposable cuttlery. But sharp spoons are great. They're too blunt and curved to cut and they're not too friendly in the mouth - another fantastic, thought-out design smiley - smiley.


Post 6

Rich Loony

A splade *is* a spoon with a sharp-ish edge, but they also have prongs. Sound familar, anyone?


Post 7

Tashalls, Muse of Flights of Fancy (Losing Weight at A858170)

Yeah, we received a box with "Splayds" (presumably the trademarked name?) on the front as a wedding present. They are a combination of spoon, fork and knife in one utensil. Throw out you old "different" utensils so your cutlery drawer can look uniform and conformist- huzzah!

Needless to say, we haven't actually used them yet smiley - smiley


Post 8

Rich Loony

They are useful things, usually for eating stir fry dishes or creamy desserts.


Post 9

I.V. BeerDwarf

Thats it, I'm going back to chopsticks


Post 10

I.V. BeerDwarf

Anyone know of any airlines that give you chopsticks instead of knife and for or spork or splade or whatever?


Post 11

Tashalls, Muse of Flights of Fancy (Losing Weight at A858170)

none that i've flown on - but I think I just broke my record for the longest conversation in space/time on h2g2!


Post 12

I.V. BeerDwarf

what do you mean longest space/time ??????? thingy?????



Post 13

Tashalls, Muse of Flights of Fancy (Losing Weight at A858170)

well, first entered conversation in Jul 31, 2000 - last posted yesterday...

longest conversation in space (Australia vs rest of world)/time (July 2000 to June 2003)


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