A Conversation for Who?

Collaborative Writing Workshop: A6630789 - Who?

Post 1


Entry: Who? - A6630789
Author: Eposina - U2280458

I think I'm right. He deserves some credit after all he invented it!

A6630789 - Who?

Post 2

Danny B

Douglas Adams didn't invent Dr Who. He was a script editor in the 1970s or 80s, and wrote a few episodes as well, but it was *invented* in 1963 - you can read all about it here: A215993, and about Douglas here: A3790659.

A6630789 - Who?

Post 3


I'd like to propose Back to Entry. The author has smiley - elvised, the article is factually incorrect and h2g2 has articles on both Doctor Who and DNA.


A6630789 - Who?

Post 4

h2g2 Guide Editors

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