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Where is my entry?

Post 1


I just clicked on "Tell h2g2" from "My space" page and it told me that my entry is posted. But then I couldn find it manually. I typed the title i gave the article at "search" grid and still nothing.


Where is my entry?

Post 2


You should be able to see a list of your entries here: http://www.h2g2.com/MA152306&type=2 is it there?
Entries don't turn up in the search engine right away; I believe you have to wait for the relevant people to run the "update search engine" routine on the servers...

hope this helps.

Joanna smiley - smiley

Where is my entry?

Post 3


That was cool, princess of darkness ;]]] but where did you get that link from? I mean tell me so that I could be able to do this from "My Space" page... if possible


Where is my entry?

Post 4


It's in your Personal Space in the 'My Most Recent Conversations' bit - the link that says 'Click here to see more Guide Entries'.

And Joanna's spot on about the search engine only indexing every few hours. You should be able to find it now, though... yell if you still hagve a problem.


Post 5


Sorry about the stupid question - I'm sure It's fluently explained somewhere, but I'm lost in this Galaxy...

When I got to My Space I see my entries and my conversations, but I see no indication about whether there were any replies...

Moreover recently I found a link below my entry saying:

Click here to announce your entry ... or something

Tell you the truth - I probably won't be able to finf your answer so
send it to my e-mail [email protected]





Post 6


Replies are shown on your 'My Space' page under the heading "most Recent Conversations".

Postings without a reply look something like this

I only need some POP3
(Posted: 18 Hours Ago)
(No replies)

Postings with a reply look something like this

I'm you new...
(Posted: 2 Weeks Ago)
(Last reply: Last Week)

Forums where you have subscribed but not posted look something like this

Whhhyyyy iiisss iiiitttt ssssooo ssslloowwww???
(No posting)
(Latest post: 3 Days Ago)

hope it helps smiley - smiley


Post 7


Well, thanks a lot!
It helped!

but I still have a Q

What do you mean "not posted" - you mean my conversation which I didn't put on whole view ( excuse my English ) or recent somebody else's conversation to which I didn't apply?



Post 8


It's someone elses conversation where you have not said anything but you have clicked the "Click here to be notified about new conversations" or "Click here to subscribe to this conversation" links.



Post 9


Thanks again

But I thing some conversations apear in Mt Space just because I have clicked on them.. I certainly did not click on
"notify if..."


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