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A Moral and Legal Question

Post 1

nim the cat (STILL choking in air pollution)

I am putting my problem here because this way more people - and more responsible and knowlegable people- will see it.

I love SF&F, and one of the reasons that I studied english translation is that I would like to translate the books which fascinated me and introduce them to the Iranian readers. But there is a problem.

Iran is not under the CopyRight Law.

This should make things easy for me but it doesn't. I respect these authors so much that translating their books without their permission (or that of their heirs as the case might be)... well, it is a little bit daunting to say the least.

As I understand, for the right of translation the authors or the publishers demand a certain sum - I don't know the exact legalities about it but it is their certain right. But with the current inflation in both the Iranian money and the number of readers publishing the translation will probably not bring in enough money to pay this sum.

What am I supposed to do? What can I do? Can aanyone give me some suggestions?



A Moral and Legal Question

Post 2

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

I'll try to get a better answer for you; but, off the top of my head, I would say that contacting the publishers in question would be a good starting point. They may be able to suggest ways in which your particular needs can be accommodated.


A Moral and Legal Question

Post 3

Burning love.

I would personaly say it's not that important. If publishers are not interested in that enterprise, then I feel you would be moraly OK to go ahead. It's not as if you are stealing. This is only true however if the copyright owners do not translate for the reasons you have stated. If they withold for a diferent reason then you must not undermine their authority unless you accept that you prostitute your morality in diong so. Hope you find your decision a little easier to make.smiley - smiley

A Moral and Legal Question

Post 4

The minstrel boy

Well sir most publishers will be more that happy to talk to you about your problem ... my parent once worked on translating a work into spanish ... they contacted the publisher who although not interested did pass on there information to the author. The author prompty contacted my parents and well ... things went from there.

Good luck and happy translating ...

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