A Conversation for The Don't Panic Help Centre


Post 1

an empty stomach is an empty life

I have tried to add an entry ot the guide but whenever I go on add new entry it always says ' log in ' then I log in and it goes back to my personal space .
So I try again to add a new entry - which sends me to the login page - which sends me to my personal space .
Is there any particular reason I am going in circles - is there something I should be doing differently >? Please help I would very much like to add something !!!!


Post 2


Sounds very strange! smiley - erm
How exactly do you try to add a new entry?

(If you click this link, it *should* work: http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/usereditsmiley - erm)


Post 3


have you cookies switched off in your browser ?


Post 4

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

It sounds like cookies are turned off in your browser. Cookies are tiny, harmless text files that enable h2g2 to remember who you are. You can find the controls in IE under Internet Options > Advanced or > Security, or in the Preferences in Netscape or Opera.

Whoami? smiley - cake Guru

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