A Conversation for The Don't Panic Help Centre

Password Problems

Post 1


Hi guys.

A mate of mine joined up with h2g2 in a drunken stupor (end of a big win at the football - that sort of thing smiley - winkeye) and he now no longer remembers the password he uses to get in.

Now I've already slapped him around the head a bit but, while satisfying to myself, it didn't actually solve his original problem.

And no, he likes to keep his drinking problem.
He just wants to know how to get back in with us. smiley - winkeye

Any suggestions?


Password Problems

Post 2


Hi Wowbagger

Loved the new Wowbagger Life cartoon BTW!

Yes we can help, just get him to send an email to [email protected] and we'll send him his details.

smiley - smiley


Password Problems

Post 3


Thanks... and thanks! smiley - biggrin

Password Problems

Post 4


Thanks to you too! smiley - ale

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