A Conversation for The Don't Panic Help Centre

Any Gurus nearby?

Post 1

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

A slight problem i'm sure one of you can help me with...

I can get to the front page okay, but if i try to get to my page i get the following error:

Proxy Error

The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request GET /h2g2/guide/U106090.

Reason: Could not connect to remote machine: Connection refused

The only other pages i seem to be able to access are the orange buttons, although i wouldn't bank on it for the whos online one (i just tried it and the list appeared but then i got the message similar to above.

Obviously this makes it rather difficult for me to go about my Aceing and Scouting duties, so any help would be appreciated...

P.S i don't seem to have trouble accessing other web sites.
PPS As i can't access my home page and we can't enter email addresses in the postings you will need to get my address from either Anna, Abi or Peta from the towers...or it might still be on my page near the bottom somewhere

Any Gurus nearby?

Post 2


We've just been linked from the BBC front page - the main home page - from now until 8pm tonight, so traffic is really heavy, and *everyone* will be having problems. Please pass this on, Linus and any passing Gurus. Thanks!

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