A Conversation for The Don't Panic Help Centre

Help me please!!!

Post 1

Researcher 173061

Listen, I just got my researcher number calculated to 42 on another account. Then I went to preferences and changed my nickname so it had that in it. Then when I tried to sign in again, it said my password wasn't valid or something but I knew it was. Can you help me with this, so I can get into my other account again? I would really owe anyone who could do that.

Help me please!!!

Post 2

Jeremy (trying to find his way back to dinner)

The best idea is to send your Username, your login email adress and, if you know it, your Uxxxxxx number to

[email protected] .

This is the "access problem support-line". After the switch to the BBC there were many users with access problems, but they surely have a way to handle it.

Hope this helps.


Help me please!!!

Post 3


You shouldn't forget that changing your h2g2 name doesn't change your BBC login name - you may have tried to login to the Beeb using the modified h2g2 name.

hope it helps

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